Daily Energy Insider: Kentucky legislature seeks to expand state’s power over coal plants

“A bill in Kentucky that could become law soon has the utilities industry concerned, along with environmental, business, and consumer groups that say the measure favors coal interests over ratepayers…Gary Meltz, executive director of Power for Tomorrow, said the group opposes SB 349 for two reasons.”

“First, it will mean higher electric bills for Kentucky residents,” Meltz told Daily Energy Insider. “This is because the EPIC members are appointed by the legislature, with the goal of mandating that the state’s electrical utilities do not shutter older, aging, and economically inefficient coal powered electrical plants.”

But requiring the state’s electric utilities to operate inefficient plants means Kentuckians would be getting increasingly expensive electricity by operating these facilities rather than modern efficient power plants, said Meltz. 

“Second, EPIC is a duplicative regulatory body that guarantees particular interests have standing at the state PSC,” he added. “Power for Tomorrow is an advocate for sensible regulation. Creating a second regulatory body that only guarantees the scales are tipped in favor of particular interests isn’t sensible.”

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Gary Meltz